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Machine Learning

Machine Learning digunakan suatu software untuk mencari pola dalam suatu data secara mandiri.Di jaman sekarang yang mempunyai sistem feedback yang bagus,hal ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik.Sayangnya,kesadaran pengguna teknologi dalam memberikan feedback yang berkualitas masih kurang.Kelemahannya menurut saya adalah jika mesin belajar tanpa kita manusia awasi,akurasinya tidak pernah mencapai 100 persen.


Untuk ide penggunaan machine learning,contohnya adalah software yang mampu mengolah berbagai soal soal ujian dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya.Lalu memprediksi apa yang akan keluar pada tahun ini,juga dilengkapi dengan fitur untuk memvariasi angka dalam soal matematis.Menurut saya software ini akan sangat membantu para pembuat soal terutama dalam bagian pilihan ganda.


[Dino Mali Kasim]
[Odd Semester 2016/2017]
[School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University]

Thankyou for reading!!

I am making this blog in English not because i’m from global class.


HTTP(HIMTI Togetherness and Top Performance)

Theme : SHINE(Strengthening Harmony and Inspiring New Experiences)

Mostly sing and band,there are 2 show that amaze me.It was talkshow with Tyovan and Laksamana,then visualization(1,5 hours long!!)

Visualization from HIMTI amaze me because of their diligent,endurance and their nearly flawless performance.

Meanwhile  from the talkshow themed “Web usage for enterpreneur”,i got some advice from both of them

1.Start your project from now,use time wisely

2.Dream and accomplish that dream


Academic Orientation

Holds place from 7-19 September 2015,this orientation feels like “pre-college”

This time,we already taught by lecturer like Mr.Ferdinand and his Lab Assistant.

I learned many things from this,like C++,pseudo-code,flowchart and many more(Include NAR XD)

I think this is the best part from the whole FEP,Binus like warming us up with the study at college.And i really hope that this kind of orientation will spread so no more “orientation”.

General Orientation

Freshmen Enrichment Program has just begun,at my first glance,i thought that this so-called “orientation” would be anoher event of bullying,senior showing off who’s the boss,uneducated education and waste of time.

But after my first day,where we just got briefed about our schedule at Campus Syahdan for the whole week,i understood that FEP from Bina Nusantara is not that kind of program,it is an actual orientation that i’ve wished about everytime.Buddy Coordinator were very nice,kind and funny.And their program truly made to make us freshmen could used to college life.

My 2nd day,we briefed by our rector,Prof.Har.He explained why we called Binusian 2019,Binus vision and mission,importance of combined hard skills and soft skills and lot of advice.Then,we are taught about Binusmaya,one of the most important facilities at Binus by our BC.

Third day,UKM(Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) showtime,2 UKM that i would to register later were BGDC(Binus Game Develpoment Club) and CSC(Cyber Security Community).Both of them i couldn’t get in my faculty,Computer Science.So i would to increase my capability in programming in general and a lot of other aspects.After that,we were taught about campus life,exam and registration.

4th day,Religion section,its pretty amaze me that every friday:from 11 AM until 1 PM,it would be specialized for religion activity.Then,we were presented about rules at Bina Nusantara.

My last day,EXPO,this is when you register your UKM(though you can register later).This EXPO also indicates the end of general orientation.

P.S : I am from ABN03





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